Opens up an interactive UI for donators.
Syntax:/duel <player_name>
Sends a duel request to player.
/duel <player_name> <shards>
Sends a duel request to player with given bet.
/duel accept <player_name>
Accepts the duel request from player.
/duel deny <player_name>
Denies the duel request from player.
/duel stats
Displays your duel stats.
/duel stats <player_name>
Displays duel stats of the player.
/duel toggle
Enables/Disables receiving duel requests.
/duel top <-|wins|losses|kit>
Displays the top 10 players with the most wins, losses, or elo rating for kit.
For no kit, enter -
Spectates a player in duel.
- /spec
- /spectate
Syntax:/spectate <player_name>
Spectates a player in duel.
If already spectating a duel, will exit spectator.
Allows for 2v2, 3v3, 4v4s, etc duels.
Syntax:/party <player_name>
Invites a player to the party.
/party list
List party members.
/party accept <player_name>
Accepts party invite (60 seconds cooldown).
/party leave
Leaves the party.
/party kick <player_name>
Kicks a player from the party.
/party transfer <player>
Transfers the ownership of current party to another player
/party disband
Disbands the current party.
/party toggle
Toggle party invitations.